So, yesterday, Samsung finally unveiled the Galaxy Note 7 — its latest and greatest superpowered phablet. And for what it is, it's an amazing device. You've got the glass-and-metal sandwich build, the curved display, iris scanner, awesome camera, enhanced Always-on Display features, the S Pen, and everything we loved about the S7 edge crammed in this new handset. Essentially, it has the potential of topping many “best smartphone you can buy” lists for the rest of the year.
However, perfection is still a few steps away from the Note 7. And yes, most gripes one would have with the new phablet can be considered nitpicking, but there are a few flaws, which we find a bit harder to swallow. Check them out:
However, perfection is still a few steps away from the Note 7. And yes, most gripes one would have with the new phablet can be considered nitpicking, but there are a few flaws, which we find a bit harder to swallow. Check them out:
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